Thursday, November 19, 2009

You know what's not such a good feeling...?

...when you go into your forty-something-year-old mother's room to get clean clothes, and see a packet telling you about safe sex. Not the best feeling in the world, lemme tell ya that much.

Monday, November 16, 2009

Love songs, anyone?

So my boyfriend and I have been dating for... Hm... A week now? Ha, I know, lame, right? Well, I think that it's time we had a SONG!!!

So I Googled "amazing love songs" and it came up with a bunch of old people music that no one likes to listen to (except the old people, of course)!!!

Now you must help me think of a song!!!

I will love you forever!!!

<3 Lolo

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Follow me on Twitter and Add Me on MySpace!

I'm still lololuvz on both of those sites.

Aaaah! School!

Ugh, I'm so sad! School is starting tommorrow! NNNOOO! When do you start and are you excited?

Tuesday, August 11, 2009


Hi everyone. My name is Lolo and I like taquitos. This blog is basically about... life... and living it! So please follow it and comment about how to make things better. Tell your friends and together, we can make it bigger!